臺大公衛學院為加強宣導本院教師之學術成果,進而提升本院國際能見度,由陳端容老師撰寫下列文章投稿至ASPPH Friday Letter.
該文目前已刊登於 ASPPH Friday Letter, March 8, 2024
報導篇名:Health Literacy Scale for Adolescents in Taiwan
作者:An-Kuo Chou️ (本院健管所行社組博士班周安國同學), Chun-Hua Liao, Duan-Rung Chen✉️ (本所專任教師陳端容教授)
This study aimed to validate the Chinese version of the Health Literacy Assessment Scale for Adolescents (HAS-A) and conduct a comparative analysis of adolescent health literacy between Taiwan and other countries.
The Chinese version of the HAS-A was completed by 2,312 adolescents in the fifth and sixth grades of a primary school. Psychometric properties were examined using consistent internal reliability and confirmatory factor analysis. These assessments were compared with the results from different regions to explore health literacy inequality.
Construct validity was good, and internal consistency was acceptable. The scale, particularly regarding communication health literacy, was associated with parents’ socioeconomic status, and family income had a more significant impact on children’s health literacy than community income. Health literacy disparities appear in different countries, with Taiwan exhibiting the lowest level of communication health literacy.
The results indicate that the HAS-A is a valuable tool for assessing the health literacy of 10–11-year-old adolescents and can uncover health literacy inequality among different regions.