2023年11月27日 (一)由官晨怡老師、黃柏堯老師、張書森老師、翁書偉老師 合授之「健康社會科學」舉辦講座,邀請到新竹台大分院感染科黃崧溪醫師,以「影響移工傳染病風險與診療過程的社會文化因素」為題演講。
On November 27th, a course titled "Health Social Sciences" which conducted by Professors #Chen-i Guan, #Bo-Yao Huang, #Shu-Sen Chang, and #Su-Wei Wong. They invited # Dr. Huang Songxi, from the Infectious Diseases Department of National Taiwan University Hsinchu Branch as the guest speaker, delivering a lecture on "Social and Cultural Factors Influencing the Risk of Infectious Diseases and the Treatment Process for Migrant Workers."
Dr. Huang emphasized the increasingly significant role of foreign workers in society. However, their health and medical challenges are often overlooked. The seminar explored various aspects, starting from the current situation of migrant workers in Taiwan to their work policies, common infectious diseases, and delved into the social and cultural factors affecting their health, such as the nature of work, living environment, economic capacity, and dietary habits.
Additionally, Dr. Huang shared past cases of Indonesian migrant workers he had treated, discussing common issues like delayed diagnosis among migrant workers and the question of who should serve as the medical proxy during the treatment process. The challenges and situations faced by various stakeholders, including the government, intermediaries, employers, and the migrant workers themselves, were addressed within this context.
There are many exciting lectures and activities in the future. For more information, please continue to follow the department's Facebook page and website (https://hbcs.ntu.edu.tw/web/news/news_in.jsp?np_no=NP1698022522781&lang=tw), as well as the National Taiwan University Public Health Instagram page (https://www.instagram.com/ntuph).