2021.04.23 ASPPH Friday Letter: 張書森老師

臺大公衛學院為加強宣導本院教師之學術成果,進而提升本院國際能見度,由張書森老師撰寫以下列文章投稿至ASPPH Friday Letter.

Assessing the effect of restricting access to barbecue charcoal for suicide prevention in New Taipei City, Taiwan: A controlled interrupted time series analysis.

該文目前已刊登於 ASPPH Friday Letter, April 23, 2021 



Taiwan: Means Restriction for Suicide Prevention – Lessons Learned From Restricting Barbecue Charcoal Sale



【ASPPH Friday Letter】 

Author: Shu-Sen Chang

Associate Professor, Institute of Health Behaviors and Community Sciences, College of Public Health, NTU


    ★ Charcoal-burning suicides increased markedly in several Asian countries in the 2000s.
    ★ Previous interventions aimed at restricting access to charcoal showed an effect in the short period after the intervention.
    ★ We found no effect on reducing suicide of the intervention in the five years after intervention.
    ★ Future means restriction programmes for suicide prevention should be comprehensive and sustainable.